Øyvind Bugge Solheim

I am a Senior Research Fellow at The Institute for Social Research (ISF), where I study Scandinavian right-wing extremism on social media as part of the FREXO-project. My research focuses on the social networks of right-wing extremists, their ideology, and their ability to mobilize followers and supporters. In addition, I’m part of the research group at the Norwegian Holocaust Center studying antisemitism and islamophobia in Norway. In my PhD I studied how terrorist attacks affect attitudes towards immigration and immigrants. I have also worked for the secretary to valglovutvalget, the Norwegian Election Act Commission, which presented its report (NOU:2020: 6 Frie og hemmelige valg — Ny valglov) on May 27, 2020.

This page is mainly used to present my research which you’ll find under publications above. In addition, I’ve added some example R-code described in Norwegian inspired by questions from the facebook group for political science students at UiO using R. Finally, I’ve written a few blog posts concerning Norwegian electoral law and the possible consequences of different changes to these laws. As a small Easter egg, the page hosts some simple tables that I use and that may be useful for other Premier League fantasy players as well.

Sometimes I also make the game kommundle.no about Norwegian municipal coats of arms.

Øyvind Bugge Solheim

I am a Senior Research Fellow at The Institute for Social Research (ISF), where I study Scandinavian right-wing extremism on social media as part of the FREXO-project. My research focuses on the social networks of right-wing extremists, their ideology, and their ability to mobilize followers and supporters. In addition, I’m part of the research group at the Norwegian Holocaust Center studying antisemitism and islamophobia in Norway. In my PhD I studied how terrorist attacks affect attitudes towards immigration and immigrants. I have also worked for the secretary to valglovutvalget, the Norwegian Election Act Commission, which presented its report (NOU:2020: 6 Frie og hemmelige valg — Ny valglov) on May 27, 2020.

This page is mainly used to present my research which you’ll find under publications above. In addition, I’ve added some example R-code described in Norwegian inspired by questions from the facebook group for political science students at UiO using R. Finally, I’ve written a few blog posts concerning Norwegian electoral law and the possible consequences of different changes to these laws. As a small Easter egg, the page hosts some simple tables that I use and that may be useful for other Premier League fantasy players as well.

Sometimes I also make the game kommundle.no about Norwegian municipal coats of arms.